Mantra Mandalas Vision Board Wordshop
Empower Your Life
Design & Color Your Dreams
By Personalizing Your Power Mantra & Creating a Dynamic Vision Board.
This time of year everyone is choosing a word that will inspire them for a whole year.
Sounds Overwhelming, right?
We can help!
We created this mini course to make it easy and fun for you to design your power mantra and vision board.
In two short modules we will guide through the shark infested waters of overwhelm.
First, you will look at different areas of your life and find words that express the experiences you want. Then we help you narrow down those words to one Power Mantra.
Once you have firmed on your Power Mantra we will create a custom Mantra Mandala for you.
Second we give you fun and exciting ways to design and innovate your vision board.
In the end you will have enticing images to go with your Power Mantra.
Hocus Pocus Focus
This is your year, start it off in a new colorful way!
Your Instructor
Delaina Miller & Kristin Hatch are the creators of the Inspiring Mantra MandalasⓇ coloring system, courses and books. They enjoy creating art with words almost as much as inspiring and empowering others.
When they are not coloring, they enjoy creating with clarity, which includes: Music, Poetry, Non-fiction books, upcycled classics and Simplified tutorials.
Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you!
We hope you enjoyed our Mantra MandalaⓇ Vision Board Wordshop. We have other course that you might also enjoy.
Check out our other Coloring Programs: Coloring Circles Mystery & Coloring Circles ACIM.
If you are an authorpreneur looking for tools and tips to help you build your audience and launch your indie publishing career, take a peek at our other courses.
Thank you, be well and empowered,
Kristin Hatch & Delaina Miller